Particle tools, forces applied to specific areas?

ian8's picture

Is there any way that forces can be applied to specific areas? i was hoping to have a wind force applied up to a certain x area where it would drop off and be effected by another one... or perhaps only at a certain height y.

cheers for any suggestions,


smokris's picture
Re: Particle tools, forces applied to specific areas?

As of ParticleTools 0.3, the Damping, Gravity, and Wind forces apply across the entire Scene, regardless of position.

I'll look into adding this in a future release.

offonoll's picture
Re: Particle tools, forces applied to specific areas?

You can apply a gravity object, to interact with any other particle in same scene, anywhere you want. Make it not visible and there you are. I use daming when the particles get excited, or the oposite very useful.