Audio File Player

jersmi's picture

Two things: How can I expose audio info, namely play position (min/sec)? How can I pause the file (instead of stop and go back to beginning)?

cwright's picture
Re: Audio File Player

1) how can I expose audio play position? You can't. Red patches cannot have output. You could start a stopwatch when you start playing, but there will be a bit of difference between the two because the sound player is asynchronous.

2) How can I pause the file? You can't. We use NSSound, which has the ability to be paused, but I don't think we exposed that functionality in this version. Perhaps in a future version we'll have this feature.

jersmi's picture
Re: Audio File Player

suggestion for future release: maybe play pos could be added to audio file info and path could be an output that could be input to the player...

another question re: audio file player: it appears that there's a half sec or so freeze/lag at the start of the first audio file? is this an NSSound issue? any workarounds?

cwright's picture
Re: Audio File Player

The info -> player thing goes into needing off-graph functionality (a much larger job to get things right).

the lag is caused because NSSound takes a while to cache some audio before playing -- if we didn't thread it, it would destroy composition performance (our initial version was synchronous, and was also almost unusable).

The next version is going to have a synchronous input as well though.

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Audio File Player

All you have to do for the path thing is make an insert splitter on the path...

(edit, now that I look a second time, I'm not sure if that is what you were getting at...)