Unstable MIDI

jersmi's picture

Having problems with intermittent MIDI using the MIDI Controllers Receiver patch. I am routing MIDI from Plogue Bidule to QC. Signal is intermittent and i have to close/reopen programs a lot to get it to stick at all. Bidule has been quite stable for me with MIDI, so it looks like it is QC. I'm using an apple IAC bus out to QC, with HID inside bidule with the computer keyboard. I set up a layout in Bidule, midi monitors reflect all is well, then in QC the incoming signal (using the MIDI Controllers Receiver patch) works for a bit, then goes intermittent, then remains most of the time is unreliable.

jersmi's picture
Just downloaded the Kineme MIDI Tools

Just downloaded the Kineme tools, but no signal yet via Bidule/IAC midi. Trying the Global Input MIDI CC-- should this be receiving midi on load? Not sure what the "source filter" is, anything i need to know? I'm about to do some tests with IAC to see if anything is broken on other reliable apps. help...