3d texture mapping and vertex deformation

kimba23's picture

Hello, I am having trouble getting to properly see a texture on a 3d model. i am using qc 4 and using a dae/collada model. I get to change the textures, i can see them changing when i change the index, i even see some movement (I am trying to map a movie), but it never focuses, i tried resizing the image without any success. Is there a special way i have to output the model? Also, is there a way to move the vertices of a model? ala GL grid?

Scratchpole's picture
Re: 3d texture mapping and vertex deformation

It sounds like you need to make a UV map for your model. You will probably find tutorials for your software of choice out there somewhere.

How do you wish to move the vertices? K3d has some good deformation options.

kimba23's picture
Re: 3d texture mapping and vertex deformation

Ok. I'll try that.Thanks! Report back soon. I would like to be able to pick a vertex and move it on x y z. I am trying to do some projection mapping on a model made out of cubes. I will play around with the k3d deformation, but moving "corners" at model level could save lotsa time.