elapsed time Plugin

Hello Composers. I have a little request, i think is easy but i don't know enough. I want a plugin to put in VDMX (like the randomOnPulse.qtz pluugin) that let me know how much time i left in a gig. Some plugin with a place for put the total time of a gig and a bar show the elapsed time. Could be nice for best use of differents resources in a session.When i'm Vjing i'm really lost in space, i don't know what time is and is hard to me to calculate normally, sometimes i dont know at what time i start... anyway, if anybody knows how to make it... thanks! I think could be a nice plugin to put in VDMX. cheers

ps. really sorry about my english...

Prack! www.prackgraphix.com

cwright's picture
patch time, system time, and math

that patch time and system time patches provide time values in seconds. You can do math on these values to determine time elapsed/time remaining. no plugins necessary.

the javascript patch also has slightly more sophisticated time functions, if you need a bit more flexibility (adjusting for time zones, etc).