DIP Switch (Composition by Sala28)

Author: Sala28
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
Date: 2013.10.16
Compatibility: 10.7, 10.8
Required plugins:

A simple custom composition to help set DMX compliant devices.

Just click on the channel text field and type the desired address than hit return ⏎ or click outside the box.

Similar the MadMapper tool.

I used some patches from QC DESIGNERS . You can get at if you want.

DIP switch

Net-Lynx O/P with ArtDmx Sender 'blinking'?

Suade's picture


I wonder if anybody can help me? I'm using the ArtDmx Sender to output DMX to RGB LED lights via an Artistic Licence Net-Lynx O/P and I've had success using the IP subnet to send DMX values from a basic patch. Unfortunately the DMX sent to the light 'blinks' to a different set of values every 3-4 seconds causing the light to change colour for a few tenths of a second before returning to the correct values.

This even happens when the ArtDmx Sender is set to blackout.

Has anybody else experienced or solved this problem?

Could using the IP subnet instead possibly solve this?

ArtDMX receive to Midi or OSC. How?

Quixoticfusion's picture


I am new to QC, but I have a decent understanding of Art-Net. How do I get from the ArtDMX receive to turning that data into OSC or Midi I can use in VDMX?