Variables Patch

Kineme GL Structure Renderer 'Variables' Patch's picture

I am enjoying the Kineme GL Structure Renderer patch. It would be a considerable improvement to this patch if we could pass variables inside the patch other than the variables which Kineme GL Structure Renderer itself uses.

Obvious example would be to also assign "R","G","B","A" to items in an array containing "X","Y","Z". Then inside a parent Structure Renderer patch to be able to grab the appropriate item being Rendered and push the colour variables to a sprite/sphere or whatever.

In short, the Iterator Variables Patch equivalent for the Structure Renderer Patch. Either binding to the structure's item 'iteration' value or just binding the whole structured item and allow user to pull whatever they wish out of it.

If there is a way to already do this, it has escaped me. If there isn't I'l post a feature request.