fullscreen application

Quartz Builder - Fullscreen mode (without menu bar)

blueroom9000's picture

Hi all, I've been trying around with the Quartz Builder to create an application running in fullscreen mode. I have 2 questions I'm not really clear about: - how can I create an application without the menu bar at the top? I've tried all the different options, but no success so far. In some examples I saw people mentioning the "no-menu-bar" option, which I cannot find in the current version. - Also the Quartz Builder templates (when creating a new quartz composition) do not show on my screen. I'm using Snow Leopard (10.6.5), is this the reason?

Is there a way to achieve this? Do I maybe have to use a second screen (what I actually wanted to avoid to keep things simple)?

Thx for your help! Markus

QC Fullscreen Application Tweeks

steve holmes's picture

I have been playing around building applications and using network control to control applications and all is going well. I do have one question through, I would like to use the fullscreen application template but with the addition of a control panel that appears over the fullscreen and control settings, the main issue is changing the file path to play a movie. I can add a panel to the project but don't seem to be able to get much further. I realise the full screen appl lives on the nsscreensavelevel but wondered if (and how) I can set the panel to nsscreensaverlevel+1.

Thanks again for you help. Steve