linking compositions

Looking for a solution to include a composition inside another one.

mehran's picture

Hi all!

I want to know if there is any way to include a composition inside another one. The way we can include a CSS file inside another one or one html file in another file. I am trying to make a master composition and need to import couple of other compositions inside the master composition. This way I can make it modular. The way Macros work is not good for what I want. I want to be able to edit those quartz files and then when the master file gets running, it can load newest version of small quartz files.

I have tried to drag a quartz file inside another one but it only makes a macro. I have seen the VCR example by smokris (, looks like he has managed to import those buttons inside another compositions, but it looks like a custom patches and I don't know how to make them. Thanks in advance!