quartz share online

share qc patches on videopong.net ?

toastbrot's picture

hi all

i'm the developer of videopong.net (currently a movie-clip share only vj community) and was asked if we could develop videopong further to share also quartz patches. i like the idea and i like quartz. but i dont have any idea how to bring qc to (almost) all browsers, how to create some kind of a preview and thumbs on a linux server... which is the way we handle uploads now.

this workflow could change but not the linux server. one idea is just to allow some kind of "attachments" to a clip. so quartz patches aren't presented directly and the user still needs to upload a screencapture or tutorial clip. but if there is some other way to do such, it might get a nicer user experience.

any ideas are welcome.

thanx and keep up the fantastic work! ivo - videopong.net