
GL Line Scroll/Repeat

scalf's picture


I am trying to get a GL line to seem to scroll across a window, continuously.

In the comp attached you can see I have made it scroll but I would like it to scroll continuously and not back and forth which approaches a pseudo-effect.

I was thinking having the line shift to the bottom rapidly after reaching the top or outside of the screen space but there must be an elegant way to do this?


Outdoor Scene (Composition by gtoledo3)

Author: gtoledo3
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Date: 2012.02.23
Compatibility: 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7
Required plugins:

This is a scene made with QuartzComposer. I wanted the geometry to be as minimalistic as possible and still convey the feel of an outdoor setting on 3 axes.