Web Cam advice

ericjcart's picture

Hi All,

I've been experimenting with Quartz Composer for a short time, and I am wondering if anyone can help me. I am interested in using QC for gestural/interactive projects. I came across this video:


He uses a webcam to trigger keyboard sounds as he waves his arms in front of the camera.

I'm interested in using a web cam to allow a user to interact with objects and images on the screen. If anyone has any ideas of how to do this, or can steer me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

That composition is actually posted somewhere (maybe Memo's site?).

You want to look into the Apple Optical Flow plugin (look at the Teapotii example in 10.5 Developer Plugin examples for a way of determining left/right/up/down movement, or the other one in that folder for determining velocity), Kineme's CV Tools plugin and examples, and perhaps other motion tracking software that can output OSC, so that you can receive the OSC info (x/y/z tracking info) in QC, and then plug that into whatever.

Some software libraries have handy tracking libraries (like MaxMSP), so it can make sense to do some kind of color tracking with that, and send the info to QC via OSC.

Lango's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

Hi ericjcart

Welcome to the forums!

I wrote a patch that I use to allow users to interact with objects on the screen (with a little extra javascripting).

You can see a video of it here -> http://vimeo.com/7997804

and grab the code here -> http://code.google.com/p/swquartzcomposerpatches/

This may not exactly be what you want, it depends what you mean by 'interact'. This patch will tell you if there was 'some' movement and how much in a particular region of an image. It won't tell you the direction though. You could use it to reproduce a less complicated version of memo's piano composition.

Let me know how it goes :)



ericjcart's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

Thanks for the tips! Do you (or anybody) know of any good comprehensive tutorials or books that you could point me to?

I found this on Amazon but it's not released yet:


ericjcart's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

Thanks David! I'll take a look at your tut when I get a chance.

ericjcart's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

For some reason when I open try to open OpticalFlow.qtz or Teapotii.qtz I get a message telling me that "QCPlugInPatch:OpticalFlow_DownloaderPlugin" is missing.

I checked in the plugins folder and it's not there. Isn't that one of the default plugins? Any idea where I can download this plugin, or can someone send me a copy? I'd appreciate it!

mottafx's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

ericjcart wrote:
For some reason when I open try to open OpticalFlow.qtz or Teapotii.qtz I get a message telling me that "QCPlugInPatch:OpticalFlow_DownloaderPlugin" is missing.

I checked in the plugins folder and it's not there. Isn't that one of the default plugins? Any idea where I can download this plugin, or can someone send me a copy? I'd appreciate it!

I have the same problem, I get the same message ... you already know how to fix it? tks.


mikewirth's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

The OpticalFlow_Downloader.plugin is in George T's Physcoticflow composition See here http://kineme.net/files/gt%20psychoticflow.zip

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

I feel like that was so long ago that it was probably only compiled 32 bit.

Here's a 32/64 bit Release build. I "think" the project source code is probably buried at the ADC somewhere. If not, it would be on the OS X 10.5 Install Disc in the Developer Tools.

OpticalFlow Downloader.plugin.zip6.54 KB

mikewirth's picture
Re: Web Cam advice

Thanks George!