Creating something from midi input

MarkFrancombe's picture

Hi Everyone!

Im trying to build a realtime visualiser of electronic music. I have connected some midi to the computer, have added the midi note module. I can see that there is lots of midi bouncing around inside (checking this using the little midi monitor tool)

So 2 questions: I cant see any midi at all, when I hover over the outputs on the midi note module, no change on the Value, is there some other step I need to do.

Assuming I get midi in, how can I translate that value into a usable er.. voltage (I cant help think of quartz like a modular synth) for ... for example, changing the size of a cube or the colour of a plane? Im imagining a screen with many, many small objects, where each one relates to particular midi note.



cybero's picture
Re: Creating something from midi input

Do the compositions at this URL help to advance your aim & objective?

MarkFrancombe's picture
Re: Creating something from midi input

Well, quite... I read that thread, however as I pointed out in the curently last post, I cannot find the Kineme Midi Tools anywhere... Its not at downloads at least...

any hints?

MarkFrancombe's picture
Re: Creating something from midi input

Sorry mst be a login thing Im getting

Access denied You are not authorized to access this page.

on that url Jersmi


jersmi's picture
Re: Creating something from midi input

That's a Kineme issue. There is a setting in your user settings to sign up for beta testing. Maybe the Midi Tools are still officially in beta?