Mapping over a real object.

offonoll's picture

Hello! Here there is a challenge, I wanted to make this time ago, and now that I have tim, a projector and somewhere to work, finally I am able to experiment. I want to talk about mapping and there are many different techniques. Mapping 2D by masks and Mapping 3D by creating a 3D scenario. I want to talk about Map 3D. I find out there are optical issues from the projector to correct the vanishing point which the vanishing point has to match to the center of the Lens Projector. I have tried Look At and GL Frustum but is not possible. Is there any patch does only change vanishing point Z center ? Thank you!!

offonoll's picture
Re: Mapping over a real object.

Is it possible to get this rendered image?

Scratchpole's picture
Re: Mapping over a real object.

Have you tried GL Ortho? What object are you attempting to map?

offonoll's picture
Re: Mapping over a real object.

Gl Ortho doesn't have vanishing point which I still need. I am trying with a T for now... :)

offonoll's picture
Re: Mapping over a real object.

Ok, Render image + bill is working. simple.