Points or "stars". A la star wars. How to ?

giorgiomartini's picture

Hi , i want to make a patch where it looks as i you where in space travelling and you see the stars moving.

something like in this video from the 31 second on :


The stars would be points (i guess), and with the mouse you could steer the direction.

Also if left mouse clicking you would go light speed like in the video, and when released the effect should stop.

I tried with a particle system but i cant get the particles to be like points they are big rectangles.

Any ideas on how to implemet this ? should i go with a particle system or an iterator ?

thnx !

cybero's picture
Re: Points or "stars". A la star wars. How to ?

regarding the rectangular particle problem - feed it a nice wee blur image.

giorgiomartini's picture
Re: Points or "stars". A la star wars. How to ?

A wee blur image ?

cant find that... how do i add that ?

any other ideas on the other issues ?

Thanx !

cybero's picture
Re: Points or "stars". A la star wars. How to ?

how to add an image - see attached.

blurry image.qtz34.08 KB