QC Osc enable interpolation Help

balam's picture

Hi, I have a max msp patch generating osc data as 0.0 and 1.0

I am tring to make a sphere rotate 360 if 1 is send and reset to 0 if zero is send. see attach comp.

thanks in advance

osc-10.qtz239.31 KB

benoitlahoz's picture
Re: QC Osc enable interpolation Help

You might want to plug your osc output to a smooth patch then a math one (x 360).

balam's picture
Re: QC Osc enable interpolation Help

looks like it may work

gtoledo3's picture
Re: QC Osc enable interpolation Help

Another possible solution would be to use an integrator patch, and attach the output to the rotation input. You could place a math patch in between, and multiply the value to create a pace control. You can use a Range on the result if you want it to stop... I'm unclear if you want it to keep rotating or not.

Also, you can probably eliminate the Conditional patch. 0/1 is the same as False/True in QC, you probably don't need a patch to convert.