filtering structure

initi's picture

i need a help. i am receiving osc packet with structures including 4members ("0"=name,"1"=0/1, "2"=xpos,"3"=ypos) the structure has many names and each name has its own parameters ("1"=0/1, "2"=xpos,"3"=ypos) and i need to give a condition for example: if name = btn1, then it needs to send parametrs ahead. how can i do that, pls? thank you very much in advance!

structure.jpg23.19 KB's picture
Re: filtering structure

Test the item using structure key, structure index and logic/math expression patches. Use result to switch a multiplexer being feed the relevant data on input port 1 and null on input port 0.

dimitri's picture
Re: filtering structure

Or you can do it this way. I'd be interested in seeing your composition and the message dispatch you are trying to put up.

QC_Test Gate.qtz2.74 KB

cybero's picture
Re: filtering structure

Have you tried this as a virtual macro, dimitri?

Composition totally based upon yours, dimitri, hence copyright you in the Information.plist.

Virtual Macros, great utility value.

OSC_Test Gate.qtz5.56 KB

dimitri's picture
Re: filtering structure

Sure! I was just keeping it open.

The trick is in the pulse detection mode (trailing), because the string comparison patch returns a zero if both are equals (a bit odd in my opinion, given boolean logic conventions).