motion detection

MikeP's picture

hi everybody,

does anyone know of a patch that does hand motion detection with quartz? I've tried cvtools-face-target.qtz which captures the face, but what do I need for it to capture and follow my hand? I'm very new to openCV.

thank you for any suggestions

liik's picture
Re: motion detection should find a haar cascade xml file for hand tracking and load that instead of the face detection one. I remember someone once posted a link to more haar cascades, but even a simple google search should do the trick. Search the forum for more info on that.... there's plenty of reading on that topic.

dust's picture
Re: motion detection

I would say motion detection and hand tracking are two different things. One can help the other. Meanng you can use motion detection like the waving of a hand to define a hot spot or region in which you want to track.don't get me wrong using motion detection does work for tracking as I use it in a few apps but ever sense the kinect came out motion detection as form of tracking sort of flew out the window as far as research is concerned. not all is really lost thought as most the principles we where using before the kinect come into play. Like edge detection, shadow tracking etc... So far the best web cam not kinect method for tracking I have seen is called the predator a optical flow learning algorithm. Most defiantly it is possible to track your hand with open cv in qc with a hand haar classifier. I have got a few working in qc one for infrared cam image from nui group. Then a closed fist classifier I got from hand vu. I will see if I can not find them for you. The best thing to do is to take few thousand pics of your hands tag them up to generate a haar.

dust's picture
Re: motion detection

MikeP's picture
Re: motion detection

Thank you very much. I get the difference now between motion detection and hand tracking. Got to play with the patch cvtools-eye-hand-target-dust.qtz it works but not as well as Dust's video but still it's tracking. Awesome!

dust's picture
Re: motion detection

Cool you got it working. I found that more solid backgrounds give better results.