Help with a project..(sending data from one computer into another)

markus.helminen's picture


After struggling with my project for some months now its starting to be ready. The body of the performance is divided into four 10 minutes long audio driven animations. They are all separate .QTZ.

I was first thinking of using VDMX to put it all together but after experimenting with some post pocessing screenspace effects that didn´t work with vdmx.(the shaders didint show right.) I think it is best to do within 1 composition. Because I have to render things two times(this slows things a bit) to get some z buffer stuff to work I´m going to be using two computers. One with the master composition and the other with the post processing. I´m anyway using the other computer for some audio analysis/pattern recognition and audio post processing that doesn´t use the computers resource very much. So I should be able to have it do the image post processing effects with good framerates.

Actually I havent had the chance to test the two computer setup yet. I´ll probably end up doing the all the analysis and the master compo with mac1 and the image and audio post processing with mac2.

My question is what would be the best and fastest way for me to send the main image, the depth image and some other data inside a structure into the other quartz on the mac running the post processing?

Does it benefit me to compile the compositions into applications. Would VDMX provide me with some performance benefits?

Any advice concerning better alternatives how to rig my setup would be appriciated too.

.lov.'s picture
Re: Help with a project..(sending data from one computer ...


take a look at CoGe, maybe the post processing effects works with it :

markus.helminen's picture
Re: Help with a project..(sending data from one computer ...

I´ll gladly test the CoGe. Actually I´ve been wanting to try it out anyway.

I will have to use OSC to communicate between two computers. Does that work from a QTZ file in CoGe.

.lov.'s picture
Re: Help with a project..(sending data from one computer ...

I never tested OSC between composition in CoGe, but i think it will works. If will not, let me know, hopefully i can fix it.