Inertia with Limits and collision

visionnocturne's picture


I try to realize a collision between 2 balls with inertia.

I try with a conditional patch,toggle inertia and interaction.

Unfortunately I can't get to have a collision.

Someone would need a new way to help me find the right solution


Inertia with Limits_collision2.qtz34.08 KB

visionnocturne's picture
Re: Inertia with Limits and collision

Here is an processing example that I would like realize

franz's picture
Re: Inertia with Limits and collision

This might help:

"If distance<(circle1.radius + circle2.radius) then we have a collision to take care of."

visionnocturne's picture
Re: Inertia with Limits and collision

ok, thank you I look this one