Looking for a solution to include a composition inside another one.

mehran's picture

Hi all!

I want to know if there is any way to include a composition inside another one. The way we can include a CSS file inside another one or one html file in another file. I am trying to make a master composition and need to import couple of other compositions inside the master composition. This way I can make it modular. The way Macros work is not good for what I want. I want to be able to edit those quartz files and then when the master file gets running, it can load newest version of small quartz files.

I have tried to drag a quartz file inside another one but it only makes a macro. I have seen the VCR example by smokris (http://kineme.net/composition/smokris/VCR), looks like he has managed to import those buttons inside another compositions, but it looks like a custom patches and I don't know how to make them. Thanks in advance!

cybero's picture
Re: Looking for a solution to include a composition inside ...

That's simple - put a clear into the composition that you are bringing the other compositions in with, don't use a clear in any of those compositions. Use Composition Importer or just drag the non virtual macro compositions onto the stage and place them in the layer order you require, see attached example.

NestedCompositions.zip5.5 KB

mehran's picture
Re: Looking for a solution to include a composition inside ...


Thanks for the example and explanation. The Composition Importer trick solved my problem. I didn't know that there is a patch for that.I'm really appreciate for your help and time.

Have a happy and healthy new year!