WebGL / Shader Toy

psonice's picture

It seems the web is about to get a lot cooler! Webkit, firefox and chrome now support WebGL (at least in the nightly/beta builds, if you enable it..) It's effectively accelerated opengl es 2.0, embedded in a browser. That means you can do full 3d, including shaders! \o/

If you want to play with it, you'll probably want to download the webkit nightly build from http://www.webkit.org and enable it by running this in terminal:

defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitWebGLEnabled -bool YES

Then why not have a play with 'shader toy' that IQ made:


He's even included a selection of 1kb/4kb demos in the presets :)

toneburst's picture
Re: WebGL / Shader Toy

This sounds amazing, Will definitely investigate when I get back from XMas holidays.


cybero's picture
Re: WebGL / Shader Toy

just got around to looking into this and it looks really interesting all around, the webgl demos from the WebGL wiki are impressive, as is Shader Toy.