Boolean Values in Custom Patch

mr.p's picture

I am trying to make a patch that receives boolean input, from the keyboard patch, so far the patch has a boolean input that will change the value when I click the check box in the patch inspector but when i hook the patch up to the keyboard patch the desired key does not change the boolean value on my custom patch. I am wondering why this is happening.

smokris's picture
Re: Boolean Values in Custom Patch

A few things to check:

  • Is your patch a Consumer? If not, make sure at least one of your patch's outputs is connected to a Consumer, or it will not be evaluated (and thus the Keyboard patch won't feed its values into it).
  • Is your patch programmatically setting the value of the checkbox to off during its execute method?
  • Is the Viewer window highlighted when you press keys to test?

Otherwise.. Please attach source code.

mr.p's picture
Re: Boolean Values in Custom Patch

Thank you so much, I totally forgot to make it a consumer patch! Anyway you wouldn't happen to have the source code to the old phidget patches, because I would like to update them but I'm having trouble setting up the phidgets in Obj- C.

mr.p's picture
Re: Boolean Values in Custom Patch

Nevermind, I figured it out and I have made an updated phidget patch so if anybody wants them let me know