import 3d object with kineme 3d

uranusweg's picture

Hello to everyone; I apologize to post a basic and simple question but it's really hard for me to import on stage and render a 3ds object with 3d kineme plugin. It's not like image loader when you choose from menu the image. Here on the patch file loader i type the adress of object in my computer and nothing appens. could please someone tell how to load and render a 3ds model? thank you very much.


cwright's picture
Re: import 3d object with kineme 3d

find 3ds file -- drag/drop on to QC editor. win.

once you've loaded the object, you need to attached it to a renderer to actually render it. Just like an image, loading it doesn't actually do anything (you need to attach images to billboards or sprites or whatever).

I highly recommend (as in, if you don't do this I won't be overly motivated to help out) downloading the sample compositions and poking around a bit. it should make everything clear.