
gtoledo3's picture

If anyone finds something (3rd party add-on?) that does what Spaces did (desktops, in grid formation, can see all windows in each space/manipulate windows behind others) as opposed to the Mission Control in Lion(desktops, linear, no wrap around, not as full featured window manipulation), please post.'s picture
Re: Lion/Spaces

You're kidding, they said they were keeping Spaces in Mission Control. I love it when Apple just improves something right out of your everyday workflow and replaces it with some gleaming shiny toy.

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Lion/Spaces wrote:
You're kidding, they said they were keeping Spaces in Mission Control. I love it when Apple just improves something right out of your everyday workflow and replaces it with some gleaming shiny toy.

Well, maybe Spaces can be considered to be in Mission Control, insofar as the fact that one can have multiple virtual Desktops.

However, it's all linear, so you can't drag windows up/down/left/right to different Spaces, only left/right, and the line doesn't "wraparound", meaning one cannot go from the last space to the first, or vice versa, when doing that kind of "drag window to new Virtual Desktop" move.

That kind of move is only functional in the zoomed out Expose/Spaces mode. When one hits Mission Control, you get what's basically Spaces/Expose, scrunched into one screen, as a kind of combo app. Since the size of each virtual desktop is now really small, you can't actually grab windows "behind" the ones that lay "on top" in the Virtual Desktop/Space previews that are in Mission Control, to pull them to different Spaces while zoomed out, though I think you can do it with the top app windows.

Dashboard occupies it's own "space" in the lineup, to the very left. I'm unsure why, but presumably so that you have everything you need available at a click. Dashboard can still be called up via Dock or Finder, so the usefulness of it taking up screen real estate in Mission Control seems arguable.

I'm not being super critical about it the new offering because I see the motivation, I just don't care for the result. I feel like most users that were intimidated by Spaces probably won't add more virtual desktops/Spaces to their default Mission Control config anyway, and it robs function away from other users that really do use it. It's definitely not as full featured or easy to use.

It's not the end of the world or anything, but it does feel weird to pay for features to be removed, and not really have new features punch my button in any way. I do like the left/right swipe=forward/backward in browser history and desktop, though it breaks interaction swiping.

I was impressed for a bit by what seemed to be windows restoring faster, but I think they're saving old images which one can then see get replaced after a moment when necessary, so now I feel less impressed...