load videos from a folder in my documents ??

shaker08's picture

hi !! somebody can explain me the correct way to do it ?? and after i will can change between the videos with a index source ?? THANKS!!

shaker08's picture
Re: load videos from a folder in my documents ??

ok i solved the way to load videos ... but no the way to change between the videos of the folder..any ideas ??

shaker08's picture
Re: load videos from a folder in my documents ??

auto-answer -----> http://vimeo.com/8804233 this video explain how to..

scalf's picture
Re: load videos from a folder in my documents ??

What can help is if you call a structure count, route the directory into to it. Then use the number of structures, and route it into a conditional so you don't over run the amount of videos in the folder and end up with that white blank screen.