kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

supershan's picture

Hey peeps, beginner to quartz and kineme here. I've been trying every which way and i cannot seem to output values per channel via artnet-tools.

I can run the checking software that i got with the enttec dmx communicator, and can verify turning on the light i have hooked up (channel 1: strobe, channel 2: dim). However when i use the Kineme Named Struct Maker, with "Input Keys" as the channels i want, and the values i desire, then connect the output structure to the Kineme ArtDmx Sender, i get no response from the light.

Anyone have experience?


smokris's picture
Re: kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

What step in our troubleshooting guide are you getting stuck on?

supershan's picture
Re: kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

Well I put my enttec device in "read mode" and was able to view the packets received.

Then after setting my enttec device back in "send mode" i loaded the "ArtNet-sender test.qtz", but i have no luck in taking control of my light.

The enttec device has a blinking light that supposedly means there is data traffic...but no light functionality.


smokris's picture
Re: kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

What are your network interface settings? (IP address, IP subnet mask)

What Art-Net Sub-Net, Universe, and Physical address are your ENTTEC device set to?

Try the attached composition; it will pulse the first 4 DMX channels to full intensity.

ArtNet-Chase4.qtz3.3 KB

supershan's picture
Re: kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

Hmmm...well, when i use ifconfig the device is listed as, however the setup software (that came with the device) says it has IP of I have Art-Net enabled, Sub-Net set to 0, universe set to 0...there is no option for physical address.

I tried the sent composition, again nothing. I think my IP addresses are messed up as i'm not sure how to correctly place it on the network.

franz's picture
Re: kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

err... pardon me, but isn't the device supposed to be in "read mode" ? It reads the artnet packets from the rj45 and outputs DMX packets ...

You can monitor your artnet packets using LumiNetMonitor app, it will help isolate the problems.

smokris's picture
Re: kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

You need to configure your Mac's network adapter to have a 10.*.*.* IP address. You can do this without changing your existing interface.

System Preferences > Network > + (bottom left corner) > Ethernet (name it "Art-Net") > Create. Change "Configure IPv4" to "Manually", and set an unused 10.*.*.* IP address and subnet mask No router. Click Apply, and restart Quartz Composer.

supershan's picture
Re: kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

Franz, i should have been more exact, the modes are actually "Output DMX" and "Input DMX", i figured i wanted to use the enttec dmx controller as an output...but as you suggested i tried the "Input DMX", but again nada, but i appreciate the try ;)

Smokris, that was it!! I needed the change of the IP and the subnet...which i now understand the lingo on this page: thank you for helping me understand, and for the troubleshoot, and for putting up with the beginner lameness ;)


smokris's picture
Re: kineme artnet with enttec ethernet dmx

Cool, glad it's working for you. I added some more explanation to that documentation page to hopefully clarify for future users.