Forbidden FruitJust a heads up for all you exciting kineme.net users. I, cwright, am starting an exciting new journey at a company located in Cupertino, California, on Monday, February 1st, 2010. You can probably guess what I'll be working on ;) So, depending on how permissions work out, I might be silent here for a while. However, I will certainly be plastering QC propaganda on the mailing list, and will try to post it here too, of course. |
Congratulations, cwright!
I anticipate this will be a fruitful collaboration.
Wonderful news! Congratulations!
I anticipate QC may soon manifest worthy enhancements.
I hope quartz grow with your brilliant ideas happy for you... congratulations...!!!!
Congratulations :-).
Well deserved IMHO.
Exciting news indeed.
Think Different, eh?
My man! Been looking forward to this with bated breath. Glad to see this announced.
Oh yeah, my guess is that you're working on putting QC on Windows, Linux, and iPhone (sorry, I always have to be a wise-ass).
How exciting ! Congrats ;)
congrats, and yes thanks for everything:)
Great ! What goes around comes around :)
Wow... !! Congratulations.
is good news for you, and for the rest of USER of Kinema. congratulations. greetings from Spain.
Holy crap Chris, congratulations, this is awesome. I'm very happy for you.
Brilliant news! A (presumably much anticipated) new job for Mr. Wright, and we get somebody who knows what we want from QC right where they have a chance of making a difference!
I really like that photo at the top by the way, the one where you're about to crush the apple. Very suggestive ;)
How do you know he's about to crush it? I think there's a bit of projection going one there, psonice ;)
Having said that, banging a few heads together on the QC dev team might not necessarily be a bad idea...
...and I just realised; we have to be careful what we say about 'them' now... lol
Actually, since you mentioned it -- I was planning on using some of the disparaging remarks I've made publicly (attributed to myself) about QC4 or SL and then refuting them (also attributed to myself) for comic effect in meetings/reviews :)
it's cliché, but constructive criticism (at http://bugreporter.apple.com) is actually quite useful -- without well-constructed reports/use-cases it's difficult to know what people need/want, and in what measure.
Congratulations Cwright! Great News! You deserve it!
Awesome, dude!
I can't wait to see what'll happen. :)
I'm sure you will love it here in the Bay Area.
woot woot. can't wait till qc5 now.
Congratulations, cwright, and all the best!!
Whoa! nice to hear! Good luck!
That's great news for you and even better news for them!!
Well done. Wishing you all the best in your new venture. Looking forward to seeing you present the next Keynote at WWDC!
Superb! Good luck in all your efforts.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the bugs and issues reported here - and in the QC dev list and elsewhere, ftw. - fixed in no time :)
Let me add my voice to the throng — Congratulations, cwright.
Well deserved too. I'm 100% sure given your formal contribution to all things QC and amazingly helpful and caring outlook.
I remember the previous thread on this topic and was thinking obviously someone inside a loop is trying to make this happen, it will just take time. Why the fears for the future of QC etc etc?
My first request is to see if you can get Keynote more QC friendly /kidding. Given the iPad OS roadmap for iWork this aspect may even go backwards not forwards! /not kidding ;)
first things first -- you absolutely must file a radar if you want a feature. No Exceptions. (I don't make the rules)
Actually had a correspondence with Troy about it a year or so ago. Never filed a radar though – that explains why nothing happened! No, Troy explained Keynote team is separate entity so no promises etc etc and from memory they're not even in the same state/city so not much lunchtime chat about the possibilities I guess.
Suppose they're were busy working on Multitouch version mostly anyhow.
I'll file for what it is worth – at least it promotes QC attention inside Apple.
All the best bud, a well deserved achievement! Long live QC and thanks for all the help over the past years. Can not wait to see what you bring to the QC team.
Right now, it's mostly some long-needed bug fixing ;)
So what percent of your training so far has involved a French accent coach?
actually, all the frenchies bailed early last year, so I've not had to deal with any of that :)
[not that being french is bad or anything - historically qc was led by french devs up until recently, that's all]
Right, I just figured since you're going to be the next Pierre and all. Something about method coding (as in method acting).
I am bad at jokes. Suffice it to say I hope you're settling in well.
That's what I like to hear :D
Hope you're settling in well, cwright.
Congratulations!!!! Probably bad for us in the short term because all your work will be under wraps, but we will benefit greatly with every new OS X release.
Holy moly, there's some news! Congratulations, best of luck and kudos to Apple for recognizing your fine work.
Welcome to the Bay Area!
you're in the bay area too? If so, we'll have to bump into each other sometime (I'm almost completely isolated here -- I've usually got family or friends wherever I go, but not this time...) :)
You have lots of friends here, though, cwright :) Hope it all going well there.
Excellent news!
...so where should we send our requests? :)
http://bugreport.apple.com/ is the place to go.
It is essentially a bug reporting mechanism [woa based] and has one option for Feature [New] on its Classification jump menu.
It's also the best place to post bugs too, funnily enough :-)
So, now the dust has settled.. a few questions.
First, what happens to kineme? Obviously it's still here, and hasn't fallen into some apple shaped void... but will it continue as before? (Presumably with Smokris working on stuff, and you working on it not at all or rarely depending on whether you're allowed to remain a kineme staff member too).
Second, what about all those awesome plugins you've written? Will there be some subtle rebranding? (I think for the free ones, there's some clear cases where this would work well!)
Third, what happened to that apple in the photo?
First: kineme sticks around. It's property of Kosada (and will always hold a special place in my heart ;). smokris is an adept developer, but with wild time demands -- he'll continue (and he's bringing up a few minions in the ways of Cocoa behind the scenes). I'll have to be hands off (there's a chance I can work on open source stuff, but it depends upon having approval from way-high-ups that I'm fearful of this early in the game) for the time being.
Second: the plugins are all kosada property, and will be un-rebranded. smokris + minions will maintain them hopefully :) but don't be surprised if you see little bits and pieces end up in QC proper over the next few years ;)
Third: After the photo shoot, the apple went on to become a famous internet star, posing for prestigious sites like wikipedia and USDA.gov. Its current whereabouts are unknown ;)
Ah, good to hear it wasn't crushed :D
The rest: about what I expected. It'll be a pity that kineme will slow down a bit, but on the other hand it's reached a point where most things are covered anyway between knm + qc4.
Can you tell us anything about the QC team by the way?
not much -- I'm on it, and we're all busily hacking on lots of stuff, but that's about it (which isn't really helpful at all :/ sorry)
just wanted to use that quote cause it says dust ;)
i look forward to the improvement of the qc environment because it seems for me at least for the last year or so kineme has been filling the void apple seems to negate. you have a good grasp on what peoples needs are as well as anticipate future needs as there are kineme plugs i didn't know i needed until well the where made. its my hopes you will bring some of that kineme sprite with you and use the opportunity to expand your vision in the place where it ultimately counts.
its my hopes that you will be making great additions to the stock patch libraries as well as being active on the dev list like normal. i realize tracking down the bugs will more than likely be a big part of what your doing as well and i suppose before you can make things better you must fix the things wrong with it first but i personally look forward to some of the kineme magic inside qc legitimately. so bravo my friend.
i knew if you remained positive from your last visit things would change.
oh yeah...
long live KINEME.
Well done Chris - I was wondering when were going to get their arses in gear with QC! Really excited to see what you guys come up with :)
You very well deserve a job like that. You have immense knowledge and you always helped ppl in the forums. Good Luck and hope to see great things from you in the future.
Congratulations man, great news!
Btw. did you see google.co.uk result for 'quartz composer':
yeah, that caused a bit of stir in the office after lunch (including a co-worker much more talented than me complaining that they didn't get announced when they were hired) :)
Too bad they spelled my name wrong... :/
They're just jealous of your boyish good looks and your rogue-ish devil-may-care attitude. And your superhero cape.
They make it sound like Chris is soley responsible for Kineme :( Poor smokris.
sadly, yeah. Esp the Art-Net stuff (which I wrote like 10 lines of, and smokris did the rest)...
Such is the way of the rumor-mill.
Between all those articles, however, we did get a nice spike in traffic:
don't forget: one apple a day keeps the doctor away...
smokris: may the force be with you... chris: may the apple be with you...don't forget to point them to the wright direction! they are forgetting about the art of the thing...
thank you all at kineme for the excellent work the best bern
Well, they did spell it correctly at the beginning of the article.
I "love" the line :"At Kineme, Write developed a 3D plugin for Quartz Composer to support the import of 3D models, which can then be animated and rendered using its particle, fog, and lighting effects."
Err, wtf? That reads that the 3D models can be animated BY or rendered BY the particle, fog, and lighting. There's very muddy syntax there. It would be correct to say something like "which can be used in conjunction with...".
...and, once and for all, the video cube must be put to death! Please, I beg of the universe, stop showing pictures of video cubes as a demonstration of the abilities of QC!!!!
The idea that the article posits about "productizing" for signage, and the jumps in logic seem weird as well. I would love to see new interface styles adapted, to make it easier for some people, but I don't want to see it turn into something ala Pages, with a bunch of built in signage templates, etc.
MacNN has now published the news as well: Apple hires Quartz Composer developer
im glad apple got chris because Microsoft is also hiring 4 quartz composer.
? i didn't get this joke ;)
give it few days, it's going to be everywhere :)
GO GO GO GO!!!!!
Zuga referenced the AppleInsider article on Twitter: Quartz Composerのプラグインで知られるKinemeの人がAppleに入るということは、今後様々なプラグインが標準化される? 期待です。 http://bit.ly/dtoQRw
wasn't a joke. sorry if i wasn't informative. microsoft is looking for developer that has quartz composer as skill set so i was just saying good thing apple got chris etc..
but yeah that article about apple hiring a prominent quartz composer plugin developer is pretty viral. seems like 6000 variations or links to and from whom ever wrote that article originally. who ever it was that did write it obviously wasn't a qc user.
looks like you need to get publicist now chris ;)
Congratulations! I have had the pleasure of spending a day there and it seems like you are going on a very exciting journey. I'm looking forward to future developments.
Ive not been keeping up with the site recently and so only just found out this news - congratulations :)
This also goes quite a way to restring my faith that Apple have some plans for QC which will keep them committed to developing it further, because for a while last year it looked like they had suddenly lost interest.
I didnt end up defecting to use Unity instead in the end, I wanted the features of the Pro version but could not afford it, and for a lot of the stuff thats in my head QC will be more fun to work with. In some senses I also need some of the limitations that QC imposes to stop me drifting aimlessly or being overwhelmed by possibilities. I still need better 3D animation, stable OpenCL and better performance in certain areas but apart from that QC already does the job for me.
I shall now be refocussing on using QC again, in conjunction with models that I am slowly learning how to sculpt using zbrush.
I'm a "bit" late to the party, but still: awesome!