3D Cube

Does Gifs works on newer versions of QC? Gifs in 3D Cubes.

Fuzuku's picture

Hi. I posted this same thread some time ago in another QC forum and didn't got a way to make it work.

Was wondering if somebody here could do this or had any tip for rendering the Gif to a cube. I'm going to copy and paste the post from the previous Forum. Thanks!

I've been doing some Gifs, and been trying to get them into a 3D cube (one into each horizontal side) with no success at all. (The Gif is set there but with no movement).

Seems that the only "trick" is in the settings of the gif to apply "Extract all images", that's the only constant I've seen.

I tried a couple of easy as 3 steps tutorials, but none have worked so far.





Does anyone has the same problem or has somebody cracked this and has a running composition with Gifs in Sprites, Billboards or Cubes?

Thanks a bunch!