
Stereo anaglyph compositing tutorial

iaian7's picture

I'm happy to finally release some of the CIfilter code I was working on earlier this year at Vectorform - compositing solutions for stereoscopic images! Covers the three main flavours of anaglyphic glasses; Anachrome (red/cyan), Trioscopic (green/magenta), and ColorCode (amber/blue). Minor controls for image alignment and colour contrast (customise mixing of red/green/blue channels to tune colour perception vs. retinal rivalry).

Tutorial – File downloads –

There are some example images too, so you should have all you need to test things out. Let me know what you think - it may not be the most ideal for realtime usage (like with Kineme GLtools), but still usable. Most of my work is for rendered output, so speed hasn't been my biggest concern. Should result in rather nice quality though!

Blending 3D Environments in Anaglyphic 3D

Gutterkisser's picture

Hi all.

I've hit a roadblock with anaglyphic (red/cyan) 3D visuals in QC. No doubt a collective groan is let out at the very mention of gimmicky 3D, but please bear with me!

The actual 3D effect works fine, in terms of X-axis offset of two 3D Spaces, and the red/cyan blend.

The problem I'm having is I can't figure out how to blend the two 3D Spaces WITHOUT using Render In Image (and twice, at that). Render In Image tends to cripple the frame rate on my machine, so any motion is jerky and destroys the 3D effect.

Is there a more efficient way of layer blending 3D objects?

I've attached a basic .qtz example- two Render In Image macros blended through an Anaglyph Blend patch. Both Render In Image is an ugly nest of Render In Image > 3D Space > Lighting > 3D objects, and that's where my computer is struggling.

My aim is for everything to sit inside one 3D Space. Each object within that Space would be duplicated with appropriate X-axis offset and red/cyan colour difference. However, here I'm not sure how to blend their overlaps with the appropriate effect - changing the Blend Mode of each object to 'Add' doesn't quite work.

...Wow, apologies for the wall of text guys - hope you can wade through it all, any suggestions or feedback will be greatly appreciated!

Flogging a dead horse in Stereo / Anaglyph

Scratchpole's picture

I know this has been done to death and it comes down to Quicktime but I thought I would give it a go myself.

Dual camera anaglyph is not possible with QC, unless you install a second firewire input card.

Picked up two Sony eyetoy usb cameras for cheap (£4 each). After reading on here that the Kineme AudioVideo plugin could use multiple cameras of the same make, I should have read some more threads!

Tried them on MBP 10.5.6 QC3.1 first, with the maccam driver and AudioVideo plugin installed and hey guess what crash crash crash, doh. Moved over to my G5 10.4.3 QC 2.1, tried installing AudioVideo plugin (Library/Graphics/Patches) and it does not show up so I guess it never was meant for QC 2.1. Tried with the built in video input and guess what it can get the built in camera and one eyetoy: Qucktime can see both eyetoys but will only allow me to choose one! So near but so far: there is no way of lining up the eyetoy with the built in cam. Even trying to set the input source with (show device setting QC 2.1) causes a crash.

So the only work around I can think of is to run a composition on two machines and mix the outputs with a video mixer, or a vixid mixer with those lovely layer and colourize modes- I could just plug in any pair of cameras and I would be done.

All is not lost though the cameras will be useful for IR point tracking, and they were so cheap I don't mind ripping them apart to remove the filter:)