Collada DAE

Mesh importer: Vertice count on Get Mesh Component

mvesga's picture

Hi all. I'm importing a mesh from a .dae collada file type generated from an .obj in Meshlab. As you can see on the attached image, from the 3D modelling software and in Meshlab too I'm getting a vertex count of 34, but whenever I'm importing into Quartz Composer I'm getting a vertex count of 123 members. Does anybody have a clue why is this happening? How could a I just get the 34 members that I need from the Mesh importer? Thanks!

MeshLab Shaders Collection

cybero's picture

The release yesterday, the 16th of February , of Mesh Lab version 1.3, prompted me to return to a back burnered project to port the shaders used in MeshLab into Quartz Composer.

All but ambient occlusion proved to be capable of porting and were a pretty trivial task too.

Utilising the v002 Model Importer to import and render .ply meshes and all those colours and such came to life more vivdly and easily than was achievable with the use of .dae.

A really amazing plugin, the v002 Model Importer; I'm just beginning to be captious of its full potential. I'm looking forward to getting some sweet animations done.

I've packaged up the results of my work, including the .dae , .ply , .mlp and .gts files to run the project [.mlp] from within MeshLab, an incredibly useful program.

One really wonderful thing about the v002 Model Importer plugin is that meshes can be rendered from so many formats, without having to use .dae .

The shader collection is as follows:-

















I'd be interested to know if these also work well on 10.5.x. I think they should, but perhaps I'm not apprehending some lack of backwards compatibility. They don't test to Leopard runtime correctly.

Much thanks and appreciation to vade and also to the MeshLab development team, especially Massimiliano Corsini.

I'm also pretty delighted to discover how well Quartz Composer snapshots with transparency to.png, hithertofore most of my rendering snapshots have been of full area renders :-).

[who knew that?] - yeah, you! [who didn't know that?] - yeah, me! [who else..]