Quartz Composer

mapping festival

dust's picture

so just a headz up to anybody in the land of swiss or geneva. there is a pretty cool festival i have some of my quartz composer work. here is a link. i thought some vj's in europe might find this interesting.


you will see my piece is projected on ice blocks. basically one of my professors had got in a car accident and has got brain damage, so i have been working with help helping get his memory etc back... so his idea for the piece was originally to be 4 sided projected on a block of ice.

now there seems to be a shortage of ice in switzerland ???? so now its a two sided piece as switzerland exports their ice to china or something ??? to get a cubed wall of ice in switzerland i guess costs 4k or something and is sent from new england in america. so right now we are trying to construct an alternative.

but the basic idea was to have mri - cat scans and angiograms projected on the 3 sides of the ice to represent the brain loss of memory etc.. then in the front we are projecting a quartz file that has a video of my professor telling his story. in another room there is a camera where people tell their memories and their images and audio get intertwined with original story and sent out to the projected art piece.

the tech is qc, max, and opencv. open cv is to detect when someone is present telling a memory to the camera and snaps image fragments and audio samples that get over layed with each other.

im not sure how it will turn out as it was basically thrown together in one night. but the idea to have all these randomized sequences of audio samples in different languages as well as image samples is pretty powerful in concept. we will have to see in implementation.

has anyone else ever projected on to ice or done anything similar to this in respects to av randomizations etc.. im still getting used to randomized art.

here is a pic of the qc file. so yeah just wanted to give anybody in the land of swiss a heads up etc...

you will have to let me know how this turns out as i'm remote conference to switzerland. im a little worried hopefully we will be able to sort out the ice.

Impossible Machine (Composition by gtoledo3)

Author: gtoledo3
License: (unknown)
Date: 2010.05.02
Compatibility: 10.4, 10.5, 10.6
Required plugins:

This composition shows how to create a cube system using Iteration, LFO's, Interpolation, and 3 point lighting.

There are many type of movement available by manipulating the input parameters.

ipad osc qc controller

dust's picture

here is an app... i think people might want to use with their ipad. at least i have been making some use with it. its just a simple multi-touch accelerometer osc controller. there doesn't seem to be one available for download yet. so i made one... i'm thinking about going open source with it. i would love to publish it just like it is so i can use it and or download it.

it just sucks that you pay for a developer account you build a bunch of apps for personal use and once your provisioning profile dies a year later you can't run any of the apps that you made and payed to be able to build. so now knowing this i want to deploy my iPad apps so i can use them myself. the problem is that most of my apps are only useful to my projects. anybody have any thoughts on this subject.


here is an app running on the table.


i have some other ipad apps that work with qc but can't really show at the moment... but if you will be at the mapping festival in geneva next week you can see an early beta of a native ipad vj app i made the other day.

Idea For Discussion - Offscreen Window Grab App Launcher & Embedment /Menu Bar Interrogator Super Hack Provider Plugin

This is the concept...

A QC patch launches a arbitrary app from file path input, in a viewable secondary QC Editor app window... in the Setting panel of the patch! One can control x/y pixel width and height, as well as offset translations somewhere in all of this, similar to the v002 screen capture patch. During all of this, the app is only viewable in this largish settings panel, or perhaps a bigger GUI hack, that launches a unique window.

One autoconfigures controls for the patch in a way similar to a composition loader. After "configuring" all of the parameters of said app would be available via the app's menubar are available as inputs or outputs (if applicable) to the QC patch.

One can minimize of close this app Viewer window, and the QC provider patch, would still output the image. The Viewer window is just for the luxury of seeing the actual window of the app one will eventually be "offscreen grabbing" from.

The app file itself, should be able to be embedded in the composition.

Now, the idea, is that it would be a universal way of getting visual input for other apps "into" QC, without having to worry about doing a screen grab in a traditional sense, or having to make sure that windows always open in the same place so that the image can get piped into QC (via something like v002 screengrab). If the menu bar, or perhaps other controls, of an app can be used to dynamically configure input/ouput ports on a QC patch, it would provide a modest level of interactivity as well.

I see this as a provider type of patch, that would be able to be plugged into any standard QC renderer. It would be really useful for launching Processing app windows, and grabbing the visual result into QC, or maybe things like Ogre, or various gaming engines.

I'm going to label this as "semi-started", since a few of the hurdles are already sort of done...

excel in qc

chiara's picture

someone can tell me how can I take and display data in QC from an excel sheet? The excel sheet has 3 colums, with some names and geolocations as cities.

Thanks in advance, Chiara