Quartz ComposerMesh BulgeI've been examining the OpenCL code for the Mesh Bulge filter from template. if(amount<0) { float tt = maxrange; maxrange = -minrange; minrange = -tt; as it happens the maxrange = -minrange; provokes an error in the OpenCL editor pane read-only variable is not assignable. I know what it means but how to rectify is my question. my quick & dirty workaround is to remove the offending error lines from maxrange = to -tt; and then I get a working variant in 10.6.2, but surely the kernel is actually AOK in theory code wise, so what gives. seems a bit of a procrustean bed approach though :-) Are max and min range supposed to be float 4 ? I swear it's giving me headache, [apart from it's crashing whilst editing the kernel - ouch] it just doesn't seem to make sense at all, which is probably me not seeing the wood for the trees. See attached the redrafted variant for MeshBulge mb_redraft_01.qtz. Works after a fashion. I've also attached the item that just blanks out because the OpenCL kernel routine breaks at the read-only error point previously referred to. Happens, without fail with the four routines employed to create transforms of vertices &/or normals. At least I've got something that is working after a fashion, but is it "right" ? :-) Anyhow - apologies if the problem / workaround and continuing compiler related conundrum has, in fact already been addressed. P.S Have just found that Mesh Noise also benefits from a similar quick and dirty edit of the OpenCL kernel. Shall be posting the reworks up later elsewhere - Mesh Noise and Mesh Bulge brought back into something like a working state of play on 10.6.2. I have ensured that these have not been saved back into any Repository point, I hasten to add. They are meant to be working proof of their facilitation in 10.6.2 outside of those standard Repositories, from within which standard Repositories, a couple of the base compositions fail to work, as previously noted and complained of elsewhere upon this site. P.P.S You Tube Playlist On which playlist you will find, amongst other items, uploads exhibiting the very responsive Wave redraft, the fully automatic Jiggle redraft, the back on 10.6.2 [possibly paraplegic] Bulge & Noise redrafts, the latter two being the items most benefiting from my late night amputation routines - :-) .
Real time streamingHi there, I am building a college project that is a real time video editing system using content from mobile phones for input. One of the options open to me is to use a live video sharing website like Qik (http://qik.com/) to stream to Quartz Composer and then control from Max/Msp. I'm using Max as its takes care of the audio processing for me. From Qik I can get information to use their embedded player. Do you know how I can go about doing this in QC? I've started using it a couple months ago and like the results I got. I think it is perfect to deal with the visual side of my project. If anyone can give me input I'd be very grateful
How to get Image Data from a Composition?Hi, Can anyone tell me or post a sample project on How to get raw image data from a Quartz Composition in Xcode? Like say, a huge array of pixels. Thank you!
Mobile Phone OrchestraThought this was interesting http://www.ns.umich.edu/podcast/vodcast.php - a Mobile iPhone Orchestra :-) - lots of other possibilities there, I wouldn't wonder.
Is it SL Compatible or Broken (?), Plug-Ins / Patches - DiscussionAfter some back and forth with Offonoll, it came to mind that a forum topic needed to be started which catalogues in one central location what does or doesn't work in QC4, Snow Leopard, that did work in QC3. I'm not talking about aberrations in the app itself (like Editor or Viewer issues), but about issues with plug-ins and patches. I would also like this to apply to Apple "patches"; the stock ones, available via the the QC patch library interface. (Do not devolve into discussing app bugs that involved the Editor or Viewer, focus of app windows, etc., if possible.) It would be great if people could use this as a thread to gather all of this info into one place, for easy reference. Some thoughts to keep this as constructive as possible: -A plugin/patch may appear to work, but may have various functions or "sub-patches" that work improperly. That said, it's not always going to be a straightforward answer about whether a plugin or patch works or doesn't work. We will probably see many that work "overall" but with some lingering broken functionality. -Please indicate if you are running QC in 32 bit mode of 64 bit mode. Some plugins and patches will run fine in QC, when the QC app is run in 32 bit mode, but won't run in 64 bit. Find the app in your Developer folder, do a "get info" and check the 32 bit mode to run in 32 bit). -Indicate what OS version you are running. ("Apple" logo on the menu bar/ "about this Mac".) -Generality doesn't help, while specificity does. Be as specific as possible about what you were doing when something didn't work, and possibly include sample qtz's or other needed code. No one shall write "yo, ___ doesn't work". Pretty please. -This isn't explicitly about Kineme patches at all. This is about ALL patches, mainly 3rd party, obscure and rare ones, Kineme or otherwise, but also function that is broken in Apple patches, if applicable. It would also be more productive if this wasn't only centered on what is broken, but also what has been vetted to work well; if something works perfectly in your estimation, please share that info. Similarly, if anyone notes that any bugs can be mitigated by following certain steps (eg., it works when QC is run in 32 bit, but not 64 bit, or another plugin of feature has superseded the old one), please let that be known as well. Let's try to keep new patches/features out of this, or it could simply turn into a discussion about OpenCL issues.