
Simple animated scrolling bars/stripes

gabemott's picture

I'm trying to get content together for a black and white themed show. I'd like to have adjustable horizontal white bars scrolling from top to bottom and thought this would be easy, I'm sure it must be for many of you. I'm going for equally spaced bars that can be modified for thickness and iterations-- when increasing the iterations, the height of the bar would decrease as would the distance between bars.

In the attached "lineattemptfromarrows" (butchered from, I got it to look sort of how I'd like, but it's pretty poorly done and the speed control doesn't really work. It's smooth only when the speed is locked at .2.

I'm sure there is a much cleaner and successful way to do this. I tried working with replicate in space and a bunch of other things. Anyway, if anyone feels like trying this out and sharing that would be great. I'm also hoping I can add a rotation control so that the lines can be diagonal.
