
Conditional or something else / help

Emer Värk's picture

I need some help, don't know how to archive something like that. I have audio patch what gives out volume info (from 0-1) to conditional patch (if first value is greater than 1 then) then it trigers enable on sprite. But i want to have this sprite left enabled. Not flickering on volume. How to do that?

QC included. Maybe someone can explain.


Simple logic: subtract 1 when # is greater than 1

gabemott's picture

Sorry for the really simple question but I'm stuck on something I know many of you could bust out in moments. I'm making a color go back and forth between its "near" complement. Basically, instead of going to its direct complement (+.5 hue) I'm having it change +.4167 so that it can sort of bounce around the color wheel messing with eye fatigue.

So basically I'm looking for the right way to subtract 1 when the hue is greater than 1.

So as I make gestures the rising sequence should go: .4167, .8333, (1.25-1)=.25, .667, (1.0834-1)=.0834, etc.

(I didn't include the entire composition as it is huge and will just complicate things). I hope the attached is enough to share.

Thanks so much and again, sorry this is really basic.