data visualization

Quartz Composer Selection Rectangle Queue

PeMo's picture

I'm attempting to create a type of 'selection rectangle' using Quartz Composer, without much luck. My approach has been to use the GL Quad Patch, with X1Y1 vertex values set by mouse XY coords and a left click; I then want to store that value and then be able to resize the Quad (X3Y3 vertex) and click and set that - thus defining the rectangular selection area. X2Y2 & X4Y4 correspond to the previous two defined corners of the quad.

However - there seem to be a million ways to do this and I'm simply not sure which is best/simplest - using inbuilt patches, custom patches (e.g. Kineme data tools) or the Javascript Patch. I'd really like to be able to click and define a series of non-contiguous selections running across e.g. a graph, but am currently stumped as to how to do this. I've created a queue structure that records sampled XY coords and left clicks, but how to assign these to the correct vertices of more than one quad defeats me at the moment.

Any suggestions welcome - happy to supply more details.

XML and streaming data display

ginsu777's picture

so i have been working on/off on this project whenever i want to add a feature or use a new video -- it works good. however, i ran into an issue.

I send a command to the terminal via TCP socket client to run a little program that interfaces with the usb stick receiver. It listens for the data on port 8168, and when its just the HR, it is all fine. however, i use another program to see the data in realtime and it also is getting the cadence and speed data in XML over the same port. my string truncate is seeing different data, and the output is not right.

now, I would like to use that data, but I am unsure as to how to get it, since it all comes over the same port, and my work is all in strings to truncate, etc to then display it. so i am not parsing the XML, and the extra data is now messing up my HR display. I'd like to use that data somehow.

This is complicated by the fact that both Cadence and Speed values I am interested in are reported as "RPM" so using a string components tool is getting complicated.

any ideas?

Metacarta or Similar API QC Plugin

This idea being that one could enter in a string to an object that would extract latitude and longitude info, and then return a structure that has the detected location name(s) and coordinates.

It would be interesting to be able to have some objects in QC to faciliate the kind of data visualization that this fellow is doing in processing:

This really seems like a natural thing for Quartz Composer.