
Index from structure search

pho's picture


I have the following structure: 0: (0) Author 1: (1) Editor 2: (2) Publisher 3: (3) etc.

How can I get the Index of an item by searching for a keyword?

For instance, if I searched for Editor I would get 1 as a result.


Website image index

pho's picture


Does anyone know how to create a slideshow using an image index like this one?

Creating a structure from a number and index possibly using JS

miccat's picture


I have searched the internet for hours on this problem and the closest thing I have come across is a structure merger built in javascript in this post: "Just modifing one (or many) members in a structure before using this structure..." I have tried to modify this so that the input is a number rather than a structure but as I have never studied JS I am finding it extremely difficult.

Basically, what I am trying to achieve is an object with a similar output to the 'audio input' object which comes with QC4. The difference being that the structure can have more than 16 bands.

Say I had 50 bands with index 0, 1, 2, 3, ...49 Each with a value between 0-1.

How can I form this into a structure (in a similar way to what 'audio input' does)?

Thanks so much for your help and I hope this makes sense.