
Weekly Quartz Tutorials I'm starting if anyone is interested

akaioni's picture


I'm starting weekly short tutorials from Quartz (and some other programing stuff), first one is the basics of basics but next one will hopefully be more advanced. So if anyone is interested, or knows someone that wants to get into Quartz, please give them a go.

The channel of the tutorials can be found here:


How To: Unique, Interesting, Abstract Polygons in Quartz Composer

scalf's picture

After using the Polygon Mode patch a bunch, I figured I would put up a how-to on making different shapes other than the typical square, cylinder, sphere, etc...


For more tutorials, swing by http://www.communetohumanity.com/#1565327/How-To-with-Quartz-Composer


Installing a Quartz Composer Patch in OS X Lion

gtoledo3's picture

I made this quick screen cap of going to kineme's site, downloading GL Tools, loading it in the OS, and reopening QC, to show how to get it to work. Feel free to ask questions if I've breezed through too quickly, or anything isn't apparent.

Quartz Crystal CLI - Demo

cybero's picture


Prompted by a request for help on Facebook [when it was working yesterday •~] from Joe Catchpole.

Hope that helps you Joe and a few others too.

Saving settings to a text file and restoring them. (Composition by usefuldesign.au)

Author: usefuldesign.au
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Date: 2011.07.26
Compatibility: 10.5, 10.6
Required plugins:
Kineme File Tools

This composition shows one way to save and restore a few numeric input values for a Cube Renderer Patch.

It has published boolean inputs in lieu of command buttons and you can toggle them either way to trigger a pulse to execute that command.

It has primitive error handling on the file loading, just checking for all 6 inputs as non-zero values. You can check the error handling by 1. opening the text file ("my_crazy_cube_settings.txt" gets saved in same folder as composition) 2. deleting some values and save 3. attempting to reload the file by toggling the Restore File input.

Hope you have the AGBook-Stencil font or the screen text will no doubt default to something ugly ;-)

N.B. If you want to use my settings file (you can easily write you own by triggering a Write File event) download it here