
Virtual input and output

Pyroh's picture

I'm trying to code custom patches for Quartz Composer. I think I may have understand how it works (I'm new to Obj-C but I know programmation basis and used several programming language such as C or C#).

It remains one problem : for the 1st patch I'm trying to code I need 2 inputs and 1 output, one of the input is a BOOL, the remaining input and the output must be virtual. The patch is intended to emit the input value to the output if the BOOL input is set to true. So I made this in the .h file:

@property BOOL inputEmit;
@property (assign) id inputValue;
@property (assign) id outputValue;

Of course I tried to put this in the .m file :

@dynamic inputValue, outputValue;
/* Or */
@synthesise inputValue, outputValue;

Compilation works with few warnings complaining about inputEmit. When I test the patch in QC there's only inputEmit which is available, inputValue and outputValue simply disappeared.

Obviously I'm doing it wrong. What did I miss ? I also tried NSObject instead of id for the datatype but it doesn't work...

Every help will be much appreciated :)