Digital Gel

photonal's picture

Thought I'd post a QC doodle I've been working on this morning. It is a combination of the PacMan comp from G.Toledo and the _1024_ParticleWarfare plugin from franz.

Let it run a while; it starts to get all squidgy; a bit like digital Swarfega.

LissajousGel.qtz19.42 KB

franz's picture
Re: Digital Gel

ooops, just found a bug: MAX_PARTICLES has no effect when using image input. That's why the FPS is constantly going down. Will correct that too.

cybero's picture
Re: Digital Gel

I'd been using the emit switches to 'refresh' the FPS from time to time.

cybero's picture
double post

double post

franz's picture
Re: Digital Gel

not emitting from every frame is good. ideally, you could place a multiplexer, that, in conjunction with a signal patch, will switch from black frame to your image frame, every sec. or half a sec. There's practically no difference, except on the framerate....

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Digital Gel

Lfo, square wave for on/off.

franz's picture
Re: Digital Gel

better !

EDIT : tested, not better actually, as ON time is as long as OFF time. Using signal will send ON for only one frame.

cybero's picture
Re: Digital Gel

Interesting idea. I find that the Billboard support is kind of unreliable in this construct, although I can see it does run well without the Billboard enabled.

Sometimes the Billboard support is excellent and other times it directly interferes with the running of the composition, this will be for the entire render time, unless I change something else in the comp Editor .

The same comp when closed and re-opened doesn't not guarantee the same level of Billboard support as when last edited.

I don't think it's only this comp that has Billboard / Particle Warfare issues :-) BTW.