Dynamic movie importer

blubvideo's picture

Hello there dear community... I'm trying to achieve the following, it might be a very simple one, but don't seem to find the right combination: I want to make a patch that reads quicktime movies from a folder and I want to be able to select which movie to play. I use the directory scanner to get the movies from the folder, then a structure index member to select which movie from the list, then I try connecting the output from the structure directly to a billboard or passing that through a movie importer and to a billboard, with no result... am I missing something? Any help is welcome, Thanks!!

blubvideo's picture
Re: Dynamic movie importer

I found it!! I always get confused with the structure inside structure... I had to use a first structure index to access the first group and then another one to access the movie file... It's working..... Nevermind!!

scalf's picture
Re: Dynamic movie importer

If you want to go further you can use a conditional to choose which index to use depending on the codec and file type. That helps bring up the "dynamics".