HowTo get Core Image Generators in Quartz Composer 3.1 on 10.5.8

rocking_benny's picture

Hey, I just started playing around with Quartz Composer and I'm wondering how I get theses Core Image Generator Patches listet on to just generate a circle for example.



cybero's picture
Re: HowTo get Core Image Generators in Quartz Composer 3.1 ...


This is s-o-o-o simple :-), you're not going to believe it.

Open Quartz Composer, pressing down Alt + Ctrl select the Preferences from the QC File menu. Enable Private patches [QCShowPrivatePatches] in the System preferences panel that will be evident when opening QC's preferences with Alt + Ctrl pressed down.

CI Circle Generator will, or should , appear in your Patch Library.

Do let us know if that does work for you.