Pick RGB color from viewer, convert to hex

inversemedia's picture

Happy Thanksgiving Kineme's!

Thanks for this forum and your help with sons science fair project, in the last stretch. We've built a device (webcam) that takes high res pictures of the eye and have sampled 40+ people and stored the images. See attached eye shots!!

Now running an averaging box over the iris to get one sampled color from each person.

Any tips or patches that can grab one pixel (from the 40x40 averaging box), get its RGB values, convert RGB into HEX and display that string?

We searched for RGB and Hex color pickers but surprisingly cannot seem to find this feature??? 'Many thanks in advance,


Screen shot 2013-11-07 at 8.09.39 PM.png
Screen shot 2013-11-07 at 8.09.39 PM.png587.15 KB

davobrien's picture
Re: Pick RGB color from viewer, convert to hex


I made a Hex > Color ( RGB ) patch. Have a play around with it. You could reverse the process.


Achim Breidenbach's picture
Re: Pick RGB color from viewer, convert to hex

You may also need the "Image Pixel" patch, to read a single pixel from your 40x40 image.