Toggle Fullscreen with Quartz BuilderWith some experimentation with QB settings and QB Template parameters I was able to make an app switch to fullscreen mode and back. Running SL only, can someone please try this with Lion. The ZIP contains the patch and App. Hit command + I to show the HUD panel. cheers, volker
works ok on 10.7.2
works on 10.5.8 . . . .+ a big thanks!
I'm really happy right now that you posted this! Thank you, thank you!
10.7.4 - works.
10.7.4. I think this function works as expected. I'd love to use it, except it's waylaid by another QB fullscreen issue in which a square aspect ratio at full screen fills the width and cuts off the top of my image. (not to hijack this post, but it's relevant.)
Fixed Aspect Ratio selected (or not) in advanced settings.
Auto-width Billboard with height set to Rendering Dest Dims height.
"Borderless" window.
Different combos of fullscreen selections in advanced settings.
Different window levels in QB template.
Nothing works. In between I have also been deleting .plist from ~/Library/Preferences. Any suggestions?
well, maybe this function does not work for me... here's a test qtz (QB template) and app. I would love some help with this.
in general, all QB fullscreen functionality for this qtz is jacked for me -- with any display selected in advanced settings, fullscreen cuts off, spreads partway across both screens.
Found a hacky workaround. It appears QB could have a problem with Render in Image? This qtz has "4 up" sprites (tl, tr, bl, br) inside a render in image patch (with other RII's inside the top level RII). The comp has a square aspect ratio. The problem was that the top/bottom sprites would overlap and distort, and fullscreen would position the image at the left side of the screen.
To insure the comp centers in fullscreen, add a transparent sprite with rendering dest dims controlling width/height. this seems to work to force the square to center.
To force the comp sprites to fit, must directly input the pixel dimensions for the Render in Image. Using Rendering Destination Dimension pixel w/h does not work.
I am testing on my MBP with a dell monitor attached, set as primary. I will also try this with a projector (which is what I really need to work). I would love to know what others experience, what is causing this, etc.
I think it's because the height in QC units changes with aspect ratio, but width always stays at 2.
Maybe you could still use Rendering Destination Dimensions, but hook width output to the height value too?
Thanks, George. Thought I tried that, I'll try it again. Wonder why the QC viewer fullscreen works but QB does not....