Universal OSC IP Address

scalf's picture

When using the OSC Receiver patch, how can one use a universal OSC IP address for incoming messages?

I know you can use for use when receiving any messages on the local machine, but is there a prefix for the patch to route in any message coming in, indifferent of the message coming from the local machine or a networked device?

scalf's picture
Re: Universal OSC IP Address

Just set the IP address to "" and it will send to all sources!

blackburst's picture
Re: Universal OSC IP Address

Really? "Send to all sources" doesn't make much sense but I assume you mean that it listens to all IP's? Is that really possible?

scalf's picture
Re: Universal OSC IP Address

Yeah I use it all the time.

I use TouchOSC all the time which has a nice touch-to-connect feature if you use the Hexler version of the OSC Receiver patch. However, there is no auto connect feature for the stock OSC Sender patch and there is no accessible port to publish to the top for easy access for instance.

So, I set the IP for the OSC Sender patch to "" and it sends to all OSC devices on that network and that channel. Works great!

I am going to be building more into the OSC side of things in the next few days I'll keep you posted if I run into troubles with lot's of data!