Apple's Mesh Tools and GLSL

SaintTheo's picture

I'm trying to create a screensaver with the weighted companion cube from Portal. I've got the mesh converted to dae, it imports fine, and I've got all of the needed textures. However, I can't seem to get the GLSL shader patch to work with the mesh. Are these two (GLSL shader and Mesh Renderer) meant to work together?

Basically, I've got textures for specular color, diffuse color, and emissive color, but I can't seem to get the GLSL shader to make them all work together (or even get one texture to display right).

cwright's picture
Re: Apple's Mesh Tools and GLSL

Companion Cube? The cake is a lie! ;)

They should mostly work together. Can you post the composition + assets?

combining lots of textures may be a bit tedious (the texture aspect of meshes is rather raw and unfriendly in QC), but I think it should be doable.

SaintTheo's picture
Re: Apple's Mesh Tools and GLSL

I'd love to, but I'm not sure it's legal...

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Apple's Mesh Tools and GLSL

You could try to post a basic cube, or part of your mesh as an example.

If you loaded a model off the net, you could always write the link or something. (If it was torrent, idk!)

What are you seeing; does it render at all? Does it the exterior look "sandy"? Does your model have UV's? You mention using 3 textures... the UV mapping (or lack of) might be a factor.

SaintTheo's picture
Re: Apple's Mesh Tools and GLSL

Nevermind, I got it working.