Iterator with Interaction -- Save?

jersmi's picture

Is there any way to save the state of an an interaction patch inside an iterator?

SpriteInterIter000.qtz11.41 KB

dust's picture
Re: Iterator with Interaction -- Save?

that's a good question. Normally I save things via a plist file, like if I want to use audio spectrum data in quartz crystal. I record the whole spectrum for the lifetime of said audio down to plist from the value historian. so i would try that first and see if the virtual type input will take an interaction. I think from my testing that you can queue up an interactions as a data type but there is no way to extrapolate the data after it has been queued. maybe it is possible to dump the interaction down, you would think the interaction would be a Boolean type maybe and have some location info as to the the hit test. Like o said I have not been able to find much info about interactions as a data type. if I remember correctly interactions work in an iterator. you might want to iterate through the interactions with an iterator with nothing else in it, then publishing the interaction as an output from the iterator and connect that to another iterator that is rendering your graphics, and possibly save the state of the object not the interaction ? its all guess right now. I'm on the ipad so I can nor test but if you run into issues you can always use e hit test patch, there are various examples of hit testing on here. if I remember correctly GT made a hit tester particularly to work inside an iterator. a hit test and interaction being sort of the same thing would work as well.

jersmi's picture
Re: Iterator with Interaction -- Save?

Thanks so much, dust. I'll work with those ideas for a minute, try a few things with a couple kinds of different hit tests.

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Iterator with Interaction -- Save?

My SL partition just spontaneously disappeared (yay!), so I can't look right now. What exactly did you mean by saving the state of interaction in an iterator?

X/Y placements, what iteration was interacted with last, how many times it's been interacted with? Not sure where you are going with it. Interaction has one or two bugs (or more?) inside of an iterator that could make some of these tasks really fruitless and burn a lot of time for you.

What are you trying to accomplish through the "saving of interaction" state?