QC lover from Iran

idlefon's picture

Hello everyone!! My name is Hesam Ohadi and I'm a QC lover. Actually I'm an electronic musician based in Tehran, Iran who has started messing with QC for the last couple of months. I'm a part of the Ambient/IDM trio Photomat and have my own solo project in computer music as Idlefon (Ambient/Glitch stuff mainly). Recently with some friends we started SAROSEDA (means "making noise") which is a community that focuses on A/V performances and introducing new technologies that are used to make such performances. We usually do free workshops and performances (surly we accept Donations :)). We are acctuallt really excited since Robert Henke aka Monolake has accepted to come to Iran as a contribution. you can check us out at www.saroseda.net I hope to be as much help as I can to the QC community which practically is kineme.net :)) cheers everyone!!

randall's picture
Re: QC lover from Iran

Awesome! Love to see the worldwide appeal of what everyone is working on. I don't think I've ever heard from someone directly in Iran. Cool stuff!

idlefon's picture
Re: QC lover from Iran

cheers mate! by the way you can see our workshop/performances photos at http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=454849186580&id=595096580&ref=notif&notif_t=wall#!/photo_search.php?oid=117853124927687&view=all sorry, we haven't moved the pics to our site yet :))

cybero's picture
Re: QC lover from Iran

Hi, had already seen you on Facebook by some stumbling, straggling means :-) @ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=117853124927687 before today.[BTW, the Facebook link on your site needs an update].

idlefon's picture
Re: QC lover from Iran

Thanks cybero for reminding me about the link. by the way since you're into programming (All I've learned regarding JS in QC was from your site) I would love to know your comments on http://kineme.net/forum/Discussion/Programming/GLSLandCIlearning :)