_1024_Perspective Plugin

franz's picture

For your homography needs....

Download from: 1024 Blog

photonal's picture
Re: _1024_Perspective Plugin

thanks very much for sharing that!

really great

gtoledo3's picture
Re: _1024_Perspective Plugin

Cool. More straightforward than CIPerspectiveTransform (which does the same thing stock, put with pixel coords).

franz's picture
Re: _1024_Perspective Plugin

You're right ! As a sidenote, the problem with CIPerspective is that it works on pixels, thus a 2048*2048 image will be much more taxing your GPU than with _1024_Perspective, as the latter only modifies the openGL matrix (which does the matrix calculation on the CPU btw).

gtoledo3's picture
Re: _1024_Perspective Plugin

:-) No one ever thinks of that one and it's built in! There area also two plugins that manipulate the matrix - one is the matrix from kineme, and the other is a NI thing. With the right math, it works fine. None of those are as straightforward as this, and simple in approach.

I have a GLSL and an OpenCL solution to this that avoids the skewed grid inaccuracy of the old msa glsl quad warp and the tedium (to me) of messing with u/v stuff on the kineme GL Polygon. This does that also, and is very very nice, and I think I would/will probably use it plenty, regardless of having setups that accomplish the same thing.

I've really wished for a patch somewhat like this where (this will sound like crazy overkill) each corner had a translation like this, but in x/y/z AND with x/y/z origins! That sound so overkill, but there's been some stuff I've wanted to pull off. I know I can do it from scratch but haven't had the time either.

franz's picture
Re: _1024_Perspective Plugin

quote : "I have a GLSL and an OpenCL solution to this that avoids the skewed grid inaccuracy"

would you mind sending me these in private to my mail adr. ?