R: Rejected

Audio integration and export for QuartzCrystal

Audio integration and export for QuartzCrystal would be very nice indeed. That way, if the QC file contains an audio file, the marrying the two in sync would be great. Also, being able to export at a specific frame rate would be cool too...um, I think that was two feature requests at once. oops.

Cheers and thanks for all the great tools you guys are working on. You are helping to drive an emerging industry into existence.


patch minimize button -

hello everyone
i have another request: a simple minimize button in each patch, that would minimize it to the linked outputs and inputs.

just to simplify working with lots of linked patches

hugs bern

QuartzCrystal: Rendered mov video has different colors than quartz composition


I converted following quarz composition into Motion JPEG A HD video. Settings of the QC file: 1920x1080, 25fps, length 2 min 20 seconds, only Apple standard patch used.

Settings of mov file: 1920x1080, 25fps, length: 40 seconds Motion JPEG A, quality High, Antialiasing 4 or 6 (doesn't matter)

The rendered file shows different colors than the QC source file. See the attached image that shows a part of QuartzCrystal and QuickTime video. Note that the preview displayed in the QuartzCrystal has the right color (left side on the picture)

I used huey for monitor calibration.



Custom Object Animation Patch

Similar to LFO and Interpolate, however, give the user more control and functionality for making more intricate animations within the graph editing portion of the patch. Bezier handles on the points and an accurate graph readout would be a good start.

I don't know if this is possible, but it would be great to have more control over the values and the timing.


image in editor

something strange but maybe usefull the ability of inserting image in the editor... like notes...